Web Developer & Code Mentor

I code, I teach, I like my code to be clean & organized, and I enjoy my life as a developer.

Hi, I’m Saif. Nice to meet you.

I began my journey in programming 16 years ago. After college I studied and worked at University of Manchester, UK. I also worked with the IT department of an export firm. Eventually, I moved remote in 2013. Since being remote, I have had a stable work life. I've worked as a mentor, collaborated with talented people to write clean expressive code. I'm quietly confident at achieving my results, and perpetually working on improving my skill set to cater to the current demands in the development industry.

Technical Writer

I write instruction manuals, and other supporting documents to problems - communicating complex technical information with an ease of learning.

Things I enjoy writing about:

Programming Languages & Web

Web Developer

I like to code scalable things for the web, add rich user experience, and fun to the web domain.

Languages and Frameworks:

JavaScript, CSS, HTML, PHP, JQuery, React.JS

Dev at Gravity Wiz


I like mentoring people to enhance this programming skills, and write clean effective code.

Mentor Stats:

  • 500+ students
  • 2,500+ mentor sessions
  • 1800+ reviews
  • Get mentored

Putting My Coding Skills to Work

Here are a few of my design projects. It's not an exhaustive list. If you want to see more, email me.

Conway's Game of Life

The classical cellular automation recreated with ReactJS. Click play and see the cellular automation pattern generate.

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Mood Selector

Are you happy, sad, or confused? Chose your emotion and let ReactJS generate a grid of emojis for you!

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Infinite Tech Quiz

Keep playing, and keep scoring. See how far can you reach in this interactive tech quiz created with ReactJS.

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USD Currency Converter

A simple currency converter tapping current currency rates with API calls. Generates a list of popular currencies.

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Meal Selector

Move the rotatory dial and order the meal that you want to eat. Leveraging components from the npm, and modal design implemented for this.

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Memory Card Game

Challenge your memory with this memory card game. ReactJS implementation powers this app with a neat hierarchy of components.

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Shopping Cart

Designed with VanillaJS, the shopping cart project has options to browse the store, add to the cart, clear the cart, and checkout.

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Budget Manager App

Manage your monthly expenses with this neatly designed VanillaJS app. Don't lose track of your expenses ending up broke.

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To Do List

Manage your To Do List for the day. Simple design with VanillaJS. Edit and delete options are there to update the To Do List.

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I'm proud to have worked with some awesome organizations:

Why Chose Me


I enjoy coding and contributing to projects that make a difference. It's been over a decade of coding, and I continue ahead on my journey.

Problem Solver

Success is achieved with effective problem solving, whether it's with the design or buggy code. I like drilling out the problems.

Fast Learner

I am open to learning any language or framework, just give me the necessary learning time. I can mould myself to your web stack requirements.


People I've worked with have said some nice things...


Interested in working with me?
We should queue up a live chat.